Why do we keep repeating the same mistakes in our lives?
The dungeon door slowly began to rise. As the giddy archaeologist stepped into the abyss, she accidentally trips and begins to slide deep into the heart of the Pharaoh’s tomb. Upon landing harshly on the stony ground, she quickly ignites a flare and baths the chamber in crimson red light.
And to her horror, scattered all along the ground were hundreds of black scorpions skittering towards her. Immediately she leapt to her feet and began sprinting towards the only exit she could see.
As she entered into the next room, colorful hieroglyphics were artfully etched onto the walls. But an eerie feeling crept into her bones as she noticed the black eyes of each painted creature seemed to blink and follow her as she tip-toed throughout the room. So she hurriedly dashed into the next chamber hoping that she would somehow find an exit out.
But the next room was only filled with urns. Shelves of elaborate painted urns filled the walls. Some of the clay lids were molded to have the heads of various animals and even humans. As she accidentally backed into one of the shelves, a large urn came crashing down. It coated the whole room in a thick cloud of dust. As the archaeologist coughed and wheezed, she noticed that behind the remains of the broken urn was a familiar looking dungeon door.
She immediately began to pry it open. And as soon as there was enough room for her to fit underneath… she slide through…. and found herself once again sliding down a long familiar corridor… only to discover that she was once again surrounded by black scorpions. And no matter how many rooms she wandered through, all she saw were blinking eyes, large urns, and a dungeon door that only led her to more scorpions.
Sometimes we seem to be reliving the same pattern of problems in our lives over and over again. The reason why this happens is because we keep repeating the same mistakes in a continuous and unending cycle. It isn’t until we finally stop, identify this pattern, and consciously choose to try something different that we finally open up new realities in our lives.