Why are leaders needed in such uncertain times?
“Humans! I smell the stench of humans nearby…” snarled blood-thirsty orc as it ravenously sniffed the cold and damp forest air. It’s crimson red eyes anxiously scanned the petrified and tangled thicket for any signs of movement.
“We are getting closer….” hissed another orc. “It has been many fortnights since we tasted human flesh!”
Suddenly the sound of a snapping tree branch echoed through the still and silent forest. It was swiftly followed by a frightened yet muffled scream. But before any of the orcs could even consider craning their hunched necks to look up into the towering canopy of trees, a long black shadow came swooping down upon them. It’s long steel sword gleamed in the moonlight before it was swiftly plunged into the deformed skull of a nearby orc.
The remaining hoard squealed in horror as they all terrifyingly fell back. In their presence, stood a towering hooded figure; whose sword was still wet with the black blood of their fallen comrade. The next moment that followed was a whirlwind of blood, screams, and lobbed-off limbs. By the time the last orc was expertly finished off, a small boy can be seen clumsily climbing down a nearby tree.
As the swordsman gently approached him, he can see that the frail little child was filled with terror and shock. The boy wept uncontrollably while clutching his knees to his chest.
“Father…. I can’t go on any more. There is going to be more of these orcs lurking in the forest ahead of us! Giant spiders… and even trolls as well!”
“You are right, my son. But do you know what else is in the forest?”
“What else?” sobbed the little boy as tears continued to stream down his pale and frightened face.
“I will be in the forest with you.” said the father as he tenderly extended his hand to his son.
And with that, the boy grabbed his father’s hand and was effortlessly hoisted back onto his feet. And the two of them continued to trek deeper into ancient forest together.
Life is filled with many fearful surprises and uncertainties. Although it is naïve to believe our leaders are able to fend off every problem in the future, their presence, at least, makes what lies ahead of us a little less scary.