Do we even know how to use money properly?
There once was old man who had a very large tool shed. And every day he would go out and look for more tools to add to his collection. As time passed by, this collection would grow to the point where every corner and surface of his shed was covered in tools. There was barely any room left to walk around in.
This man was so proud of his collection, that he would often escort his guests, neighbors, and friends over to his tool shed and show them just how many tools he owned. He was so accustomed to being showered in their praises that one day, he was completely caught off guard.
For while he was showing off his vast collection of tools to some visitors one afternoon, their small little boy inquisitively scurried up to him and asked the most embarrassing question. This little boy asked the old man, “What have you made or fixed with all of these tools?” And in that critical moment, this old man was flushed with incredible shame as he realized that none of these tools have been ever used to make or fix anything. They were only there for display.
Even though this story sounds so ridiculous, the truth is a lot of us actually behave just like this old man. But instead of collecting and amassing tools, we choose to collect and amass money. For many of us forget that money functions a lot like a tool. It is designed to be used to make and fix things in this world.
However, if we ever forget its original purpose, we may run the risk of merely amassing and displaying it. And wouldn’t it be a shame if at the end of our lives, all that money just sat in a shed and wasn’t used to make anything meaningful in this world?